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Saint Angela Merici Feast Day Dinner

On Saturday, January 25th, we will be having an Italian food night to celebrate our patron saint, St. Angela Merici. We will have Mass at 5:00PM followed by a wonderful Italian dinner. Make your reservations by stopping by the Parish Office OR you can place your order online! All orders must be placed by Tuesday, January 7th.


Welcome to Saint Angela Merici Catholic Church, located in Florissant, Missouri. We invite you to look through our website to see the wonderful things going on within our parish. If you are looking for a parish home, we extend a warm welcome and invite you to join our parish family. We also extend a special welcome to our visitors.

Please contact us if you have any questions. We hope you will come celebrate with us soon.


Saturday (Vigil Mass): 5:00 PM
Sunday: 7:30 & 10:00 AM

Monday: 8:00 AM Communion Service (St. Norbert)
Tuesday: 8:00 AM Mass (St. Angela Merici)
Wednesday: 8:00 AM Mass (St. Norbert)
Thursday: 8:00 AM Mass (St. Angela Merici)
Friday: 8:00 AM Mass (St. Angela Merici)
Saturday: 8:00 AM Mass (St. Angela Merici)

Holy Days: To Be Announced
Major National Holidays: 9:00 AM


Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 PM
Also available by appointment.

Rosary: 7:15 AM Weekdays; 4:30 PM Saturdays; 7:00 & 9:30 AM Sundays
Morning Prayer: 7:00 AM Weekdays;
9:30 AM Sundays


Join us for Live Stream Masses!

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM

Pickleball Registration

Pickleball is now available to play in your gym on Mondays and Thursdays. Click the button below to view available days and times. The price is $20/hour. If you need help or have any questions, please call the Parish Office.

First Friday & Saturday

Please join us on First Friday & Saturday each month!

- Mass at 6:00PM, followed by the usual holy hour for the sanctification of the parish

- Mass at 8:00AM